Pull Request Review - changes since the last review

First few commits in a PR have already been code reviewed. You made a few more commits and want to compare the new changes?

How to install MySQL - ubuntu 18.04

Easy steps to install mysql in ubuntu 18.04

Trouble setting up rubocop with Sublime

Rubocop sublime not working?

Are you still using `#strftime`

If you are a RoR developer, you may have used(or still using) the method `strftime` to format time objects.

How to install phpPgAdmin - ubuntu 18.04

phpPgAdmin is one of the best Postgres GUI tools. This artilcle explains how to install phpPgAdmin in Ubuntu 18.04.

Action Cable - Quick Start

We have been using ajax polling whenever we needed Real Time updates. Its time to switch to WebSockets.

Postgres Cheat Sheet

Docker Cheat Sheet

List of docker commands